Thursday 14 September 2017

Biodata, sebab, jasa, pendidikan, sifat peribadi dan karya Abu Hanifah (pengasas mazhab Hanafi)

Nama penuh: Nukman Bin Thabit
Tahun kelahiran:  80 Hijrah
Tahun beliau Wafat: Pada 150 Hijrah
Keturunan: Parsi
Pekerjaan Ayah: Seorang Peniaga Kain
Tempat Dibesarkan: Dibesarkan di Kufah, kehidupan yang senang dan mewah
Tempat kelahiran: Di Kufah  semasa pemerintahan Khalifah Abdul Malik bin Marwan
Tempat beliau wafat: Meninggal dunia dalam penjara ketika berumur 70 tahun

 i) Sentiasa membawa tinta ke mana sahaja.
 ii) Beliau mempunyai seorang anak bernama Hanifah.
​ iii) Hanifah bermaksud cenderung kepada agama.

1) Menyebarkan ilmu pengetahuan kepada orang ramai
2) Membezakan di antara hadis sahih dan tidak sahih
3) Menghasilkan beberapa buah kitab untuk rujukan
4) Menyuruh muridnya menggunakan fikiran terhadap sesuatu hukum
5) Memutuskan sesuatu hukum dengan menggunakan akal berpandukan Al-Quran dan Hadis.

i) Mempelajari pelbagai ilmu terutama undang-undang islam.
ii) Berguru dengan Imam Hamad Bin Abi Sulaiman selama 18 tahun(FEQAH).
iii) Berguru dengan ulama tabiin
iv) Menemui beberapa orang sahabat diantaranya Anas Bin Malik dan Abdullah Bin Abi Aufa.

i. Berakhlak mulia
ii. Pemurah
iii. Ikhlas
iv. Berani
v. Suka memberi nasihat
vi. Rajin berusaha
vii. Bercita-cita tinggi
viii. Kuat beribadat contohnya beliau sering qiamullail, solat sunat dan membaca Al-Quran. 


i. Fiqh Al-Akbar
ii. Al-Alim Walmutaalim
iii. Masnad Fiqh Al-Akbar
iv. Masail Usul
v. Fatwa Al-Waqiah
vi. Al-Kisaniyat

Thursday 24 August 2017

Pendidikan Islam T4 - Zikrullah Pengubat Hati (Adab)

 1.      MAKSUD ZIKIR :
·         Mengingati Allah dengan hati, lisan dan perbuatan

·         Ia merupakan cara manusia berhubung dengan penciptanya
·         Orang bertakwa sentiasa mengingati dalam semua keadaan
·         Menyebut lafaz zikir dengan betul serta memahami maksudnya
·         Berzikir dalam keadaan bersih dan suci daripada hadas
·         Zikir dengan lafaz-lafaz yang terdapat didalam nas al-Quran atau as-Sunnah
·         Merasa kehebatan kekuasaan dan keagungan Allah
·         Menggunakan suara yang perlahan
·         Perbanyakkan berzikir dalam suasana genting
·         Berzikir dengan lafaz tertentu mengikut keadaan dan tempat
·         Tidak berzikir semasa qadhak hajat

·         Supaya tidak menggunakan ketenteraman orang lain
·         Untuk mencapai kesempurnan dalam ibadat
·         Selaras dengan sunat rasulullah s.a.w
·         Supaya zikir diterima Allah
·         Berdisiplin dalam menunaikan ibadat

·         Dikasihi Allah kerana Allah menyukai orang yang melakukan sesuatu dengan sebaik-baiknya
·         Mendapat ketenangan jiwa kerana berzikir dengan beradab memberi kesan kepada jiwa seseorang
·         Mendidik jiwa supaya mengingati Allah
·         Mendapat pahala

·         لا إله إلا الله
·         Pada awal pagi
·         Selepas solat sunat dan fardhu
·         Semasa dalam sujud terakhir dalam solat

·         Tidak terdedah dengan perkara yang dimurkai Allah kerana tidak mudah dikuasai syaitan dan mampu                          mengawal nafsu
·         Tidak lupa kepada tanggungjawab terhadap agama
·         Berada dalam keadaan tenang
·         Dapat menghidupkan hati yang telah mati akibat lalai dengan tuntutan agama

·         Terdedah dengan perkara yang dimurkai Allah kerana ia mudah dikuasai syaitan dan sukar mengawal nafsu
·         Lupa kepada tanggungjawab terhadap agama
·         Berada dalam keadaan gelisah

Saturday 15 April 2017

Ainaa kembali lagiiii

Hai semua 😘
Alhamdullilah my first blog's post guna phone baru☺. eh phone baru?  ye dua minggu lepas phone ainaa kena curi dekat sekolah 😔 sedih tak sedih nak buat macam mana dah itu takdir ainaa.  ainaa redha.  Alhamdullilah😗mak ainaa faham keadaan ainaa tanpa phone,  dia pun dah boring tgk ainaa terperap main laptop😷, at least kalau phone,  ainaa akan keluar bilik,  lepak ngn dorg. ni tak,  games dkt laptop mmg ada ubat ketagih😌.  tak leh lepas. phone baru phone apa🤔?  adalah mana boleh bagitau😬.  tapi ainaa suka guna phone ni, yg penting ada fingerprint😘. YESS! okay itu je kot.  takat nak ckp psl fon and bla bla bla.  byee 🤗

Thursday 23 March 2017

English Role Play that have 5 persons

L1 = Monitor , student
L2 = student
L3 = student
L4 = Sir ____ (teacher)
L5 = new student

Whiteboard : Class : _______
L1 , L2, L3 : *talking english*
L4 : *walking into the class*
L1 : stand up class! Good morning Sir _____
L4 : morning, and sit down
L1, L2, L3 : thank you Sir _____
L4 : Class, today we have a new student. You may come in.
L5 : *walking into the class* *wearing school bag*
L4 : tell your friends your name and which school are you from
L5 : *quiet*
L4 : okay, maybe he quite shy with you. So, his name is ______(L5) and he is from SMJK _____. Am I right?
L5 : *nodding*
L4 : fuhh, its okay (L5).. you may have a seat.

Whiteboard : Canteen SCHOOL
L1 : what’s wrong with our new classmate?
L2 : yeahh! I know right! He just nodding to Sir ____
L3 : I think.. he is dumb?
L2 : hell no! This is not a school for disabled children!
L3 : okay.. then? He what?
L1 : haih, I have no idea
L2 : I think…
L1, L3 : WHAT?
L2 : we should eat now before the bell ring
L3 : You’re right! The foods was cold!
Bell ringing *kringggg*
L1, L2, L3 : Aiseyyymannn!

Whiteboard : On the next day, in _____ (CLASS)
L4 : Monitor, may I know how many students in CLASS?
L1 : 24 students, Sir!
L4 : Great! So I want you form 6 groups and each of the group must have 4 students!
L2 : But.. we don’t have enough member!
L4 : you can have (L5) as your group member, ________ (L2)
L1, L2, L3 : _______(L5)??? But sir.. No… Err Sir.. I think.. erghhh *zzzz*
L4 : keep quiet guys! No matter what, I want each group present about the topic given on our lesson
L3 : What topic for us, Sir?
L4 : your group will have the topic The Advantages Of Speaking English
L4 : make sure all the members in a group MUST SPEAK!
Bell ringing *KRINGGG*
L1 : STAND UP CLASS! Thank You Sir _____
L4 : before I leave.. any questions to ask me?
L3 : I think, we are all good!
L4 : okay.. you may sit.

L2 : Luckily guys! We got an easy topic!
L3 : Great.. but..
L1 : ..don’t forget who’s in our group
L2 : WHO?
L3 : its (L5)!
L2 : OMG! I forgot! But, is he can talk? I thought he was dumb
L1 : shhh! He might hear you!
L3 : so.. do you think he can talk like us?
L1 : I don’t know.. I think he can talk, but his confident’s level was very low!
L2 : ahh I see..  I think, we can teach him
L3 : but he really looks like an antisocial guy
L1 : wait guys! We shouldn’t judge a book by its cover
L1, L2, L3 : *appearing (L5)*

L2 : Hi! You are (L5) right?
L5 : ….. *quiet*
L1 : straight to the point, guys!
L3 : okay, can you speak english?
L5 : *geleng kepala*
L1 : Okay! I remember! I get it! I know why is your confident level to speak english is very low!
L2, L3 : why??
L1 : because.. before this you speak chinese all the time isn’t? This is because, you never been in SMK
L1 : Sir _____ told us on (L5)’s first day that he from SMJK ____.
L2 : Actually, you can speak English! Because I saw your result of English subject in UPSR is an A!
L5 : but.. I can’t!
L3 : Yes YOU CAN!
L5 : but…
L1 : believe in yourself. Ask yourself either you want or you don’t want!
L5 : ___________, _____________, ____________
L1, L2, L3 : What?
L5 : Thank you.
L1, L2, L3 : our pleasure as friends

Whiteboard : The Presentation Day
L5 : There are a lot of advantages of speaking english.
One of it is we can get more knowledges because the latest research in science, technology, humanities, mathematics and almost everything today happens in English.
L4 : Other than that, English makes your travel easier. English is the most widely spoken language all over the world. If you know the language, you have an open window to most of the countries in the world
L3 : Besides, if your partner, in-laws, relatives or friends speak a different language, English language will help you to communicate with them. It will also give you a better understanding of their culture and way of thinking.
L2 : In addition, English communication increases income because all good jobs need good English communication skills. Business requires you to be able to talk to clients in English. In a global market place, you can reach more customers if you can speak their language. You can source better and cheaper raw material if you can communicate with a supplier from a far off place who doesn’t know your language.
L1 : Lastly, the most important that we learnt is knowledge of English helps make friends! Yeah… People not from your state, people not from your country, people not from your continent.

There are so many wonderful people in the world. Wouldn’t it be cool if you can communicate with them and see which ones can be good friends, which ones are fine and which ones you should run away from?


Teenagers Essay for Reading and Oral test


Nowadays, teenagers have changed in comparison with the teens in the past. They are a “technology” generation. For teens in todays’ world mobile phones, internet, music, movies, television and video games are very important. Most teenagers prefer watching TV and playing computer games to reading books. They don’t like reading because watching TV is easier and they don’t have to use their own imagination. Computer games teach but also harmful to health. Moreover, games transfer them into the world which doesn’t exist. Like the ‘Look Up’’s poem said “All this technology we have it’s just an illusion” so, it’s not a real world.

    Besides, every teenager needs a balanced diet and physical activities in the fresh air.. But.. young people nowadays choose to eat fast food while playing computer games and putting away bicycles in the corner. They eat too much unhealthy food, which is very fatty and drink too many sugary drinks. This leads to obesity. Young people have to remember, that a healthy lifestyle requires appropriate nourishment, but they also must not forget  physical activity. Physical activity has a large influence on young people lifestyle. It improves our health condition in various ways.

Basically teenagers need to be healthy and develop a healthy routine to avoid any problems. For those who is fat, it is important and to just simply stay active to avoid any effects. Who will love ourselves the most if it is not us. Am I right?

So, let’s start to love ourselves.


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